Working Women's Centre Timor-Leste
Education, support and advocacy for vulnerable women workers in Timor-Leste

Monday, 9 March 2015
The 1st Regular Meeting with Domestic Worker
On October 19, 2014 WWCTL organize the 1st Meeting with Domestic Worker (DW) in Dili. It was attended by 75 women's (domestic worker). The purpose of the meeting is to bring together existing domestic worker in Dili and to share the experience of the conditions of work of each domestic worker and that problems that have been encountered by domestic worker at their work place.
Thursday, 1 March 2012
WWCTL hetan suporta sasan husi GNR
Iha loron tersa feira dia 28 de fevereiru 2012 WWCTL hetan suporta sasan husi GNR. Sasan nebe WWCTL hetan hanesan livru, ropa ba labarik, ropa feto nian no mos sasan halimar ba labarik. Sasan ne'e GNR intrega iha WWCTL nian edifisu iha fatuhada-Dili, sasan sira ne'e hamutuk caixa 19. WWCTL sei distribui sasan sira ne'e ba distritu 5 (Dili, Ermera, Baucau, Lospalos, Oe-cusse) komesa iha fulan Abril.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Objektivu Working Women's Centre Timor Leste
Funsaun : Halao edukasaun, advokasia,organisa no suporta feto servisu nain sira no mos feto sira ne'ebe maka hakarak servisu.
Visaun : Luta ba parsipasaun feto hodi fo kontribusaun ba markado trabalho no hodi haklaken direitu feto atu nune'e feto servisu nain sira ne'ebe maka atu hakarak servisu bele hetan moris diak iha sira nia uma laran.
Misaun : Sai hanesan inisiador hodi haklaken direitu feto nian liu husi edukasaun, advokasia, suporta no mos organisa feto servisu nain sira ho feto maluk sira ne;ebe maka hakarak atu servisu atu nune'e sira bele hetan kondisaun servisu no moris diak.
Sei Mak Bele Sai Nudar Membru : WWCTL nakloke ba emprego feto hotu-hotu feto sira ne'ebe maka hakarak servisu, individu no organisasaun ne'ebe mak hakarak halo promosaun ba moris ekonomia ne'ebe maka diak ba feto sira.
Visaun : Luta ba parsipasaun feto hodi fo kontribusaun ba markado trabalho no hodi haklaken direitu feto atu nune'e feto servisu nain sira ne'ebe maka atu hakarak servisu bele hetan moris diak iha sira nia uma laran.
Misaun : Sai hanesan inisiador hodi haklaken direitu feto nian liu husi edukasaun, advokasia, suporta no mos organisa feto servisu nain sira ho feto maluk sira ne;ebe maka hakarak atu servisu atu nune'e sira bele hetan kondisaun servisu no moris diak.
Sei Mak Bele Sai Nudar Membru : WWCTL nakloke ba emprego feto hotu-hotu feto sira ne'ebe maka hakarak servisu, individu no organisasaun ne'ebe mak hakarak halo promosaun ba moris ekonomia ne'ebe maka diak ba feto sira.
Contaktu ami:
Edifisiu Dili, tuku 8 dader to tuku 4 lokraik, Segunda to'o Sesta
(+670 7536445) - Jessica Sequeira
(+670 7232078) - Rosa Soares
(+ 670 7702219) - Ricar Pascoela
Email :
Konfrensia Our Work Our Lives
Relatóriu Konferénsia
Konferénsia Ita-nia Servisu Ita-nia Moris (Our Work Our Lives – OWOL) kona-ba feto sira no relasaun industriál) mak hala’o tiha iha loron 1 no 2 Setembru, 2011 iha Arbiru Beach Resort iha Dili, Timor-Leste. Konferénsia ne’e mak konferénisa Ita-nia Servisu Ita-nia Moris ba dalahaat no ida ‘internasionál’ ba dahuluk . Konferénisa inaugurál mak hala’o tiha iha Queensland iha tinan 2006, organizadu liuhosi QWWS no Universidade Griffith, ida ba daruak mak hala’o iha tinan 2007 iha Adelaide, organizadu liuhosi SAWWC no id aba dalatoluk iha Darwin iha tinan 2010. Ideia ba konferénsia ida-ne’e mosu iha Konferénsia OWOL iha Darwin iha 2010. Sentru Feto Servisu sira mak fó-suporte ba ideia atu estabelese Sentru ida iha Timor-Leste liutiha Elizabeth de Araujo, Koordenadór Apheda nian ba Timor-Leste mak asiste Treinamentu Sindikalista Anna Stewart iha Adelaide iha 2008 no vizita tiha WWC SA. Sentru 3 mak servisu tiha ona hamutuk ho Apheda hosi tempu ne’ebá hodi promove ideia, dezenvolve estratéjia no planu ida, asegura finansiamentu hosi AusAID no harii kapasidade liuhosi fahe rekursus, suporte ba pesoál sira no konsultánsia.
Elizabeth mak iha hakark boot atu lori bá oin ideia atu estabelese WWC ida iha Timor-Leste no atu lansa iha tinan 2011 iha konferénsia internasionál ida. Normalmente Konferénsia OWOL sira mak planeadu atu hala’o kada tinan rua maibé se karik hala’o hanesan ne’e bele kona Timor-Leste nia eleisaun iha 2012 no ema hotu sente katak Konferénsia ne’e tenke halo lalais liu duké tarde liu.
Konferénsia ida-ne’e mak organizada liuhosi grupu Komité Volante ida iha Timor-Leste no grupu Komité Volante iha Austrália ho suporte akadémiku hosi Universidade Austrália Súl no Universidade Teknolojia Queensland.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
WWC Timor-Leste looks forward to welcoming Sen. Collins and all the other speakers participating in Our Work Our Lives Conference, Sept. 1st and 2nd in Dili
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Senator Jacinta Collins Australian federal Parliamentary Secretary for School Education and Workplace Relations |
"I am pleased to be a keynote speaker at your conference and that it is being held in Dili, Timor-Leste. 'Our Work, Our Lives' is a great theme which speaks to all women who are doing their best to balance work responsibilities with home life and other priorities. For me it brings to mind the importance of women understanding and being able to exercise their rights and responsibilities, as well as the need to improve the economic wellbeing of women. I look forward to highlighting the Australian Government's commitment to achieving a fair outcome for all women in the workplace and discussing the current equal pay case for social and community sector workers in Australia."
Monday, 15 August 2011
Quiz Night to raise funds for the Timor Leste Working Women's Centre
6:00pm, Wednesday 17 August
@ The ASU
5-9 Rundle Street
Come along and enjoy great company, refreshments, door prizes & lots of fun.
Special guest appearance by talented SA vocalist, Margarida!
Quiz categories will be many and varied.
Tables of six can be booked or join a mixed table; payment secures bookings
Available from the ASU Reception – Contact Jan Schultz on 83631322.
Proudly sponsored by the ASU, Members Equity and the WWC of SA.
Hurry, limited numbers available!
Please direct any queries to Max Adlam or
Katrine Hildyard at the ASU on 83631322.
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Scholarships to Our Work Our Lives Conference / Bolsa-estudu sira ba Konferénsia Ami-nia Serbisu Ami-nia Moris 2011
(English Version below)
Bolsa-estudu sira ba Konferénsia Ami-nia Serbisu Ami-nia Moris 2011 – Timor-Leste
Konferénsia ba Dalahaat kona-ba Feto sira no Relasaun Industriál sira (agora internasionál)
Loron 1 no 2 fulan-Setembru, 2011
Ita mak Timor-oan ida-ne’ebé hakarak partisipa iha Konferénsia Ami-nia Serbisu Ami-nia Moris?
Hakerek mai ami pájina ida (ka menus) kona-ba tanbasá Ita hakarak partisipa iha Konferénsia ida-ne’e no tanbasá Ita hanoin katak Konferénsia ne’e sei fó-benefísiu ba Ita rasik nomós/ka Ita-nia organizasaun.
Nomeasaun sira sei taka iha loron 20 fulan-Agostu, 2011. Bele responde ba ka telefone ba 781 4538 atu hetan informasaun liután.
Kona-ba Konferénsia ida-ne’e:
Aprezenta ho laran-kmanek liuhosi Sentru Feto Serbisu-na’in Timor-Leste ho suporte hosi Rede Nasionál Austrália nian ba Sentru Serbisu-na’in Feto sira-nian, Universidade Austrália-Súl no Universidade Teknolojia Queensland nian.
Programa Ami-nia Serbisu Ami-nia Moris sira mak dezeñadu atu halibur hamutuk matenek no esperiénsia nasionál no internasionál ne’ebé sei inklui:
Livru Hateten – istória orál sira hosi feto sira serbisu-hela iha Timor-leste
ʻAgoraʼ diskusaun painél – hosi esperiénsia Australianu no Timorense harii komunidade sustentavel liuhosi feto sira-nia partisipasaun iha maundobra
Lansamentu ofisiál ba Sentru Serbisu-na’in Feto sira-nian iha Timor-Leste
Tema Konferénsia sira sei foka ba:
Feto sira iha serbisu perigozu ka vulneravel
Feto sira-nia asesu ba sira-nia direitus
Feto sira-nia Progresu ba serbisu ho dignidade iha rejiaun Ázia-Pasífiku
Harii hela komunidade sustentavel sira liuhosi feto sira-nia partisipasaun iha maundobra
Ho laran-kmanek ami hakarak hato’o katak oradór konfirmadu sira sei inklui:
Ged Kearney, Prezidente Konsellu Uniaun Sindakalista Australianu
Maria Da Costa Paxiao, Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Timor-Leste
Teresinha Viegas, Sekretária Parlamentár Timor- Leste
Ex. Malarndirri McCarthy MLA, Ministra ba Polítika Feto sira-nian iha Governu Territóriu-Norte (Austrália)
Atu hetan informasaun liután bele kontakta:
Scholarships to Our Work Our Lives 2011 – Dili, Timor-Leste
4th Conference on Women and Industrial Relations (now international)
1st and 2nd September 2011
Are you a Timorese national who wants to attend the Our Work Our Lives Conference?
Tell us in 1 page or less why you want to attend the conference and why you think the conference will benefit you and/or your organisation.
Nominations close 20 August 2011. Please respond to or call 781 4538 for more information.
About the conference:
Proudly presented by Working Women's Centre Timor-Leste with the support of the Australian National Network of Working Women's Centres, the University of South Australia and the Queensland University of Technology.
The Our Work Our Lives program is designed to bring together national and international expertise and experience and will include:
Speaking Book - the oral histories of women working in Timor-Leste
ʻAgoraʼ panel discussion - of the Australian and Timorese experience of building sustainable communities through women's workforce participation
Official launch of Working Womenʼs Centre Timor-Leste
The conference themes will focus on:
Women in precarious or vulnerable work
Womenʼs access to their rights and entitlements
Womenʼs Progress towards decent work in the Asia Pacific
Building sustainable communities through womenʼs workforce participation
We are proud to announce that confirmed speakers include:
Ged Kearney, President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions
Maria Da Costa Paxiao, Vice President of Timor-Leste Parliament
Teresinha Viegas, Timor- Leste Parliamentary Secretary
The Hon. Malarndirri McCarthy MLA, Northern Territory Government Minister for Womenʼs Policy
For more information contact
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